
Wow, how I love this place! It’s like a new improved virtual home. It’s like the elegant, red diary that your aunt gave you for your 7th birthday but you were too ashamed to use, now you found it again in the attic, and you love the way it looks. So you start writing on it.

Today is the 10th of February. I have an exam in less than 2 days and it is Valentine’s day in less than 4 days. I’m feeling very annoyed by this. Exams and Valentine’s day. Ew.

But I have a few ideas on how to spend the horrid celebration, starting from the fact that it is a Friday gonna get down on Friday. So I thought I could go to a club, maybe to shake things off of my head. Or. I could just go to the cinema – a particularly hateful activity for me – and watch a random film.

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